The Watucab™ system is not only easy to operate but it also minimizes the need for opening trenches at the work locations. That, in turn, reduces administrative authorizations and costs, as well as disturbances to neighborhoods, local residents and traffic. Our technology makes cable installations more cost-effective and hassle-free.
Let us illustrate the overall cost reduction with the following example:
Project, scope of specifications*
- Installation 9.8km, 3phases, tot. cable length ≈ 30km
- Power Cable Al core, 132 kV, OD 94mm, weight 9.2 kg/m, max. pulling force 3.6 t.
- Pipe EHDP, OD 160mm, ID 140mm, COF 0.18, semi-conductive jacket.
* Specifications inspired from field real project figures performed in Denmark, May 2017